
You can purchase ammunition from the following websites and have it shipped to us for transfer to you ($10 transfer fee applies). This will satisfy the face to face ammo transfer aspect of the SAFE Act. These are the  sites that we are on file with already. We are always willing to setup transfers accounts with other websites, if you find a website willing to ship ammo to a FFL in New York  let us and we will get setup to accept from them. When ordering use the following as the shipping address.


EGP Outfitters

Your Name

420 Moul Rd

Hilton, NY 14468


If possible enter your phone number as well, this will make it easier to contact you when your ammo arrives.


Ammo Websites



Ammunition Supply Company

Aim Surplus
Lucky Gunner
The Armory


Atlantic Firearms
Selway Armory
Bulk Ammo
Surplus Ammo
Ammunition Depot
Georgia Arms
Samco Global



Ammo Man

Ammunition Store

Best Price Ammo

Where to Find Us:

EGP Outfitters

420 Moul Rd
Hilton, NY 14468


Phone: 585 270 1843





Open by appointment only

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© 2020 EGP Outfitters